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Monday, April 7, 2014

Tending Two Gardens: Cultivating Career and Family

Deleasa Randall-Griffiths, associate professor in the Department of Communication Studies, attended the Central States Communication Association Conference in Minneapolis April 2-5. She presented a paper titled “Tending Two Gardens: Cultivating Career and Family” as part of the panel on “Women and Work: Heightening Women’s Experience of negotiating Multiple identities” sponsored by the Women’s Caucus. She also presented “Home Sweet Academic Home: Witnessing Change over the Decades” as part of the panel “’Home’ on the Academic Range: What Factors Elevate the Chances of an Institutional ‘Fit’?” sponsored by the CSCA First Vice-President. Finally, Dr. Randall-Griffiths presented an activity on self-concept and identity titled “I am….” as part of a Great Ideas for Teaching session sponsored by the G.I.F.T Interest Group.